Career Investigator Monthly Newsletter Available Now!
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Student Story:
"I've had a regular young, male patron coming to the Kingsley Branch Library after school to play online video games for months. We had talked about shared interests before, like anime and horror stories, but not his goals and ambitions. One day, he started telling me that he had been thinking about video games as a career, but wouldn't know where to start figuring out how to make that happen. Thankfully, Newton's Road's Career Investigator was right there for us! The two of us spent a good half an hour playing with the investigator, looking at all sorts of careers. It helped this patron consider things like industry growth, and quality of life issues like salary and being able to stay in Northern Michigan. It led him to think about how he should be preparing for college, and what types of classes he should be taking now. It was a perfect use of this tool, and I was amazed at how this patron was able to navigate and use the Career Investigator to its fullest potential with very little assistance. Total win!"