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Who We Are

Mission: Newton’s Road is a nonprofit organization dedicated to STEM-related learning for all youth in our region since 2010. Through these experiences and career exploration, we empower our young people to thrive in our community and beyond.

Vision: With STEM jobs (in science, technology, engineering and math) expanding at an accelerated pace, there is high demand for skilled graduates. Newton’s Road advocates for STEM learning and educates our community on the importance of critical thinking skills and broadening the pathways to STEM careers. We work to reach underserved populations in our region, emphasizing that all children should have the opportunity to learn skills that will lead them to productive, good-paying careers. We believe that success can be fueled by developing STEM-based skills.



Our steps are intentional and our dreams are big.


We encourage, showcase and celebrate youth who are interested and involved in STEM.


We act quickly, but purposefully.


We are a reliable partner for parents and educators and our community. 

Our Approach:
At Newton’s Road, our work revolves around three main strategies to inspire and engage our youth in achieving our regional goal to be a healthy and vibrant tech ecosystem: STEM Resources and Events, Career Investigator for Northwest Michigan, and Community Outreach. 

Meet Our Team!

The acronym STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

But what does STEM really mean to you and your family, and why should you care about it?

STEM skills include figuring out how things work following the scientific method, and using geometry, algebra or calculus to model and design things. It means making (engineering) a solution to a business process or health issue, and programming (technology) something to perform a task. Just as important are the abilities to make things that are useful and usable, to work well in a diverse team of people, to think creatively about ways to solve a problem, and to share your ideas and results in a compelling way.

This is why we believe that facilitating experiences that incorporate STEM elements, creative thinking, and multiple forms of communication in structured and unstructured ways are important starting from a young age. Experiences that incorporate all of the above are often referred to as STEAM with the "A" standing for incorporating the Arts in support of STEM skills development.

Learn more on this topic here Feb/March FF Article


  • Industries are rapidly changing due to technology changes & Big Data, and we need to prepare our youth and community for success in this increasingly digital economy.

  • National Association of Manufacturing and Deloitte predict the U.S. will need to fill about 3.5 million jobs by 2025; yet as many as 2 million of those jobs may go unfilled.

  • While local program providers are increasingly addressing these needs, there is a clear consensus that our community would greatly benefit from a comprehensive STEM hub that nurtures a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem of opportunities.

  • Local businesses desire a pipeline of potential employees that have technical and 21st Century skills, and are already facing shortages. Newton’s Road engages businesses, educators and other nonprofits to support our youth in developing these skills to thrive in our local and global economy.


  • Advocating for STEM learning and educating our community

  • Reaching underserved populations in our region, emphasizing all children need the opportunity for success and a healthy livelihood

  • Engaging businesses, educators and other nonprofits to support our youth in developing these skills to thrive in our local and global economy

  • Driving STEM learning. Creating pathways to success. 


  • We align our efforts with state and national STEM research and initiatives to work efficiently, measure our success and reach every young learner.

  • We provide educational tools for parents and students to understand what STEM is and why it is important.

  • We research & collaborate to identify STEM-related skills that businesses need.

  • We work with educators and businesses to facilitate and promote clear pathways to regional STEM jobs. 

  • We create and track metrics that are meaningful indicators of our success.

  • We continue to assess needs among youth, parents, educators and business leaders in the Northwest Lower Michigan community to drive programming, support, and attention to areas of greatest need.

  • We maintain a dynamic, searchable online STEM Hub for the Northwest Lower Michigan community, connecting quality experiences and learning opportunities for ages preschool through 12th grade.

  • We multiply, amplify, support and promote existing STEM learning and career opportunities to families.

  • Leverage STEM Ecosystem best practices from elsewhere in Michigan and across the US to more quickly and effectively achieve our mission.